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1st International Workshop on
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring

May 7th, 2012 (Monday)
Bombardier Smart Infrastructure Collaboration Center (Hamerschlag Hall)

Information for Authors

If you would like to present your work at the workshop, you may do so by submitting a 2-page abstract along with a poster and/or a 5 minute presentation.

Please prepare your document using the template from the SIGKDD Explorations page. In other words, if you would like to write the abstract using Microsoft Word, use this template. If you prefer LaTeX then here is the template file and the styles file (CLS). In the end, your abstract should be submitted as a PDF, and it should resemble the follwoing sample file: sigkddExp.pdf. Note that the 2-page limit does not include the references.

We will be accepting abstract submissions via e-mail until April 22nd, 2012.

Feel free to send an e-mail to or with any questions.

Contact Mario Berges ( with any questions about the workshop